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SKU: Z-BD-CT500-911-SIL

Colortrak Pop-up Foil (500ct)


Wider Foil = Faster Color! Fly through balayages, full highlights, and hand-painted color with Max Width Pop-up foil. Each box contains 500 extra wide 9" x 10.75" embossed silver hair foil sheets that are pre-cut and ready to use. These foil sheets are perfect for larger cross-sections, big jobs, and can be folded in half (rather than sandwiched) for an altogether neater salon experience. These Extra-Wide Pop-Up Color Foils are perfect for the 'platinum card' foil stacking technique thanks to both their size, and their quantity. An instant salon essential, these extra wide foils are packed in one convenient "popup style" box for easy dispensing. Stock up on Max Width Pop-up Foil in bulk, at a price you can't beat!

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